
by Annette McClellan | July 30, 2020 2:12 pm

Clouds over Lake Michigan

I was at the beach again today at 6:00 am. The local birders are all still monitoring the activities of the Piping Plovers. It is time for the other shorebirds to come through so we’re seeing a few other species. We had the same two plovers today as yesterday but there were a few more shorebirds to count so it was a bit more interesting.

After I got home I decided to get out my pencils and draw a Piping Plover from a photo taken by a friend last year. After I finished I e-mailed it to her. I read that the orange banded birds are all from the Great Lakes population of Piping Plovers.

Piping Plover drawing

Dad made my favorite bread today!! Sprouted Wheat Bread!

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