Catching Up

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There have been no adventures in the last week. That’s probably a good thing. I have been down to the beach almost every morning. I find that if I arrive about twenty after six the other birders already have a head start and I can walk the beach alone. There have been a few new shorebirds but nothing exciting. We had a total of five immature Piping Plovers. They are on their way south now. They have not been seen since the storm. We had some nice photo ops from the resident species.

Great Egret
Semipalmated Sandpiper, migrating species

Do you remember the colored pencils? I finally actually drew a bird with them. This is an unexpected bird that came to our feeder yesterday, the Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

I have been out in the garden tidying up. I started a flower from seed in the Aerogarden early last spring. It did very well and I planted in the front yard garden. It is a blanket flower. The seed came from a plant at the beach. This plant seems much more robust than the plant the seed was from. The single stem that holds the flower is about three feet tall.

Indian Blanket

Outside the library window I had a spider set up shop. I only noticed it when the hummingbird checked the spider web for tiny insects.

I’m sure you are wishing I would post another sunrise photo so here it is! Love, Mom