Everyone talks about the beautiful colors of fall. The leaves change to brilliant hues, custom made for wall calendars. The birds change colors also. I’ll show a few examples.

The list goes on and on. The fall birds are often juvenile and female, lacking the bright colors of the male. But many male birds also shed their bright plumage in favor of dull browns and greens. This makes fall birding a head scratcher!

September 13
We had a last minute visit from Doug and Lisa. They had big news. Doug got a promotion and bought a new car! You have probably heard that news already but I wanted to include it here. The car is a Subaru. Doug explained that the name is Japanese for the constellation of the Seven Sisters. That explains the Subaru logo. But wait, where is the seventh star? It is invisible! Doug named the car Celeste.

We had a great visit. Dad grilled hamburgers and we had the usual which everyone enjoyed. We had to eat indoors because the bees are pretty bad right now. You can’t even drink a beer outside without them swarming around you.
September 19
I have been hitting the beach again around dawn. There are still shorebirds migrating and the chance for rare gulls is increasing. The sun is coming upper later, of course, so I don’t really get out as early as in the spring.