I took this photo on August 1 from the north end of the beach. The plovers like it up there. It used to be very quiet for them but now there are too many bird monitors. Today I did a different section of the beach that not many other people go to. It is directly north of the long parking lot.
I didn’t think they really needed me on the beach. The immature Piping Plover is easy to identify. Walking at the top of one of the dunes I could see the other birders at the outlet. You can see it on the map. I needed a break from the social aspect of birding. There were a lot of nice wild flowers in this area and a nice look at the water that flows out from the water plant. The Great Blue Heron and the Wood Ducks like this spot.
This afternoon I went up to the Johns Manville overlook to visit the resident Kestrel. He was perched on the cyclone fence as usual. The Meadowlark has changed his song from the ringing five syllable song to a dull “Zeeet”. The Indigo Bunting was near the railroad tracks singing “Fire, Fire, Where, Where, Here, Here, Now, better hurry up!!” Soon the hawks will be migrating and this spot is a good place to see them.
I got home and watered the outdoor plants. As soon as I was done we got a big rain.