02/22/2021 Feeder Watching

by Annette McClellan | February 22, 2021 11:04 pm

With this bitter cold weather we have been staying in and monitoring our bird feeders. We added a few new ones and put new seed on the feeder Jessica gave us. Here is a shot from the library window showing all the birds at once!

Feeder Shot

This involved learning some new processes in Photoshop via YouTube. Always something to learn.

Dad and I are fine. We are going to Greenbelt Forest Preserve Cultural Center tomorrow to get the first of our Covid Vaccine shots. The clinic was made possible by partners including AbbVie. Thank you Roger for encouraging us to get this done.

And Congratulations to Max!!! Way to go! We’ll be watching Tuesday night.

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Source URL: https://sandinmyshoes.org/02-22-2021-feeder-watching/